Hot topics in eLearning and Distance Learning

e-Learning can be defined as 'learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology'. It can cover a wide range of activities that use technology to support learning as part of a ‘blended’ approach. Whilst attention should naturally be concentrated on impact on the learner, the world of eLearning is inevitably shaped mostly by emerging technologies. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the range of technologies at our disposal, and then concentrate on four technologies, course delivery platforms or applications, that have been recently topical in medicine and healthcare. Some will be new, others more mature, and each will be placed in the context of the eLearning ‘cycle of acceptance’. Finally we will look at what we believe may be on the horizon, and the best way for teachers, scientists and institutions to engage with others in programmes across Europe.


Thursday, 18 June, 2015 - 19:15 to 20:00